Sunday, May 4, 2014

Choose Your Writer for Research Essay

Hello Everyone--Please post  for our Tuesday, May 6 class so I know which writers you are choosing  (Post by 6am on May 6!).


1.  Name the writer you are going to research and briefly describe what ideas, themes, even techniques the writer uses speak to you, appeal to you--begin to think about claim you want to make/explore about this writer.

2.  Do initial biographical research--look especially to see if the writer has a website and/ or, if living, recent interviews.You may use Wikipedia ONLY if the site for the author takes you has footnotes that lead to valid academic sources--go to them!

3.  Do at least one search through LaGuardia library: articles in our databases, English and World Literature, academic search premier or jstor.  Put into your search your author's name and title of story, play or poem we studied.

4.  State title of article and author relevant to this writer and briefly explain what article is about.


ALSO READ "The Lame Shall Enter First" by Flannery O'Connor for Tuesday.

Happy Sunday!


  1. 1.The writer I'm going to research is Flannery o'connor. The idea i'm going to talk about is the characteristics of the characters in her short stories. The majority of her stories has a character with a narrow way of perceiving the world and through that character she writes her story.



    4. Title: Flanney o'connor
    empowered woman
    By : Peter A. Smith

    This article is about the female characters in Flannery o'connor's stories and how they behave or thoughts is a result of being in a man's world.

    1. Let's discuss more this idea of a narrow way of perceiving the world...can you identify the central flaws in two of her characters? Look for one or more articles that focuses on her characters' flaws? narrowness?

  2. 1. The writer I have chosen is Flannery O'Connor. I'd like to write about the underlying message about women, in most of her stories. I found an interesting article that talks about redemption in her work I'd like to explore this in both Everything That Rises Must Converge & The Lame Shall Enter First. I'd like to tie this all back to O'Connor's devout religious upbringing.

    2. I used the website of O'Connor's childhood home (and later where she lived, wrote, and died during her struggle with lupus) as initial biography research. I'll likely try and find a biography in the library in book form for the actual paper.

    3. I searched with Flannery O'Connor's name and the title of Everything That Rises Must Converge.

    4. The article is There Are No Good Men to Find: Two Stories by Flannery O’Connor and it was written by Armond Boudreaux and it discusses redemption in two of O'Connor's stories (Everything That Rises and another, A Good Man is Hard To Find) and how their stories are complimentary. I believe The Lame Shall Enter First could be related to this with it's message of redemption for Rufus, and Norton being almost forgotten.

    1. I love it that you've found a third story that fits this theme--there is the complicated notion that Sheppard seeks to redeem Rufus and doesn't realize he is the one in need of redemption! The fact of so many characters's blindness is central--Julian too wants his mother to be redeemed from racism but needs help with that himself! Good start!

  3. The Writer I have Chosen to write about is Zora Neale Hurston . Hurston was a civil rights activist that studided racial heritage themes.In 1937 Hurston Published her master work " Their Eyes Were Watching God' she was also the daughter two former slaves.
    I would like to focus on the "How It Feels To Be Colored Me" in this writing Hurston focuses on how she viewed colored and white people during her
    childhood, and how she felt that blacks and whites had no diffence.

    1. you should take out her autobiography from the library: Dust Tracks on the Road. I have one copy but several of you are writing about her. I think you will need to broaden your thesis just a little by looking at how her way of speaking about race evolves in that text. I can help you find some sections as you won't have time to read the whole thing--you might want to do a key word search with Hurston and race.

  4. The writer I have chosen to right about is Julia Alvarez . Any one can relate to her stories for feeling like an outsider when visiting new places or even in their own town. I would like to focus on identity. Many people who migrate to different places first intention is to adapt to their surroundings and before they know it they lose of sense of themselves and their culture. I will be focusing on her poem "Bilingual Sestina". website

    title:Bilingualism and Identity in Julia Alvarez's Poem "Bilingual Sestina"
    Bilingual Sestina
    By:Catharine E. Wall
    this article discusses the issue of identity and bilingualism throughout the poem. It also describes the person search for identity.

    1. Her autobiographical novel is called In the Time of the Butterflies--see if you can find it? It might give you some more ideas about her bicultural, bilingual identity...glad you are interested in this question of adaptation--but also struggle to retain one's own culture. (There is a movie of that novel)

  5. I choose to write about one of the Americans’ contemporary woman writers is Tillie Olsen. Her novel named “I stand here ironing” really interests me when I read through text book. After I did research, I know Tillie Olsen has the same situation as she writes in the story. This story was finally written by her after she disappeared in the literary world for a long time, due to her poor, boring, burdensome life. Tillie Olsen's talent comes from having almost never written too many works, but every single one is precious. “A working-class woman who grew up in America in the 1930s, had children, and did 'someone else's work' for years to support her family” (Press 403). Her life seems so stressful, but she achieves her goals eventually. I do admire that she works so hard and still never gave up her dream to be a writer.

    One of Olsen’s famous literatures also included "Tell Me a Riddle," which is talking about aging and dying immigrant Jews against their native-born children, prosperous, troubled and helpless.

    “Yonnondio” is her another novel received well responses from the society, which talks about the story of narrator Mazie Holbrook, the young daughter. Mazie tells the family's trip to find work from Wyoming to North Dakota and then Chicago.

    keeping on researching this hardworking and persistent woman writer will inspire me, and give me strong feeling and motivation of purchasing dreams.

    1. Good focus Dan and yes her life and working class background is relevant to her writing. You won't have time to read a lot of other work but Tell me a Riddle has possibly another story you could compare to I stand here ironing...see if you can find an article that discusses the story we read.

  6. 1). The writer/poet that I have decided to write about for my next paper is Maya Angelou. Two pieces of Maya Angelou's work that speaks to me the most are her poems "Phenomenal Woman" and "Still I rise", both of these poems tend to uplift women by sending the message of self-acceptance regardless of what type of woman you are. Although if I had to choose one to focus on, it would be "Still I Rise" due to the fact that not only does she embraces her presence as a woman but she also embraces her presence as an African-American in particular, which is something that I can relate to as an African-American woman myself.

    2). An interesting article that I found pertaining to Maya Angelou's backgound was on the University of Minnesota website:


    4). Although I haven't found much of the type of research that I would like to use pertaining to Maya Angelou's writing style, another interesting article that I came across was:
    Titled "Maya Angelou: Telling the truth, eloquently", which is a interview conducted by the director of Black Film and Center/Archive and Associate Professor of Afro-American studies, Audrey T. McClusky. In the interview Maya Angelou is questioned about her success as an African-American writer and during the interview, Maya Angelou not only discusses the importance of telling the truth rather than just stating facts but she also explains how the two differ within her writing.

    1. the theme of self acceptance, embracing presence, and maybe something like speaking back to power would be valuable, Chelsea--you have two good sources so far. Try academic search complete--I will too. If I can find my book of her poetry will bring to class!

  7. Flannery O Connor

    I want to explore the themes of negrophilia and what it means to have an affective racist relation to the Other. In O Connors story "Everything that Rises Must Converge" I am interested in how the character of Julian is juxtaposed to his mother, yet he still acts in a fetishized manner towards the Blacks he encounters. I think O Connor wants to explore the intricacies of the liberal subject through this complicated character relation.


    2nd Sources
    An Africanist Impasse: Race, Return, and Revelation in the Short Fiction of Flannery O' Connor.

    this article is about the characters in O'Connor's novels need black people to advance through their lives and why that may be problematic because you tokenize black people to help with you drama

    1. Yes it is interesting that Julian's response to Blacks is just as obnoxious as the mother's, perhaps more so as it is cloaked in a kind of faux liberalism--would your theme be negrophilia and negrophobia? Good topic Damiyr!

  8. 1) The writer I'm planning on researching and writing about is Flannery O'Connor. I enjoy her usage of the grotesque in her works as well as her ability to highlight moments of clarity within her characters through the use of violence. I also want to tie those two topics into her Christian background whose influence permeates her writing.

    2) As an initial point of research I'm using

    the webpage has some information about O'Connor's life, I found it interesting because the college has a course on her work.

    3-4) Searching the term "Flannery O'Connor" I found this article:

    The title of the essay is "Suffering and the Sacred in Flannery O'Connor's Short Stories" and it is written by Davis J. Leigh. He discusses the various ways the characters within O'Connor's stories suffer through a variety of sources (spiritual, physical, psychic) and that their suffering is central to her work; he also uses analyzes the theological framework that O'Connor writes with.

    1. Suffering and the Sacred sounds really interesting--I look forward to reading what you come up with in relation to violence and clarity!

  9. I'll be doing research on Flannery O'Connor primarily focusing on her techniques of exposing her characters' vulnerability through their uncomfortable, raw human emotions/actions. Her writing is greatly influenced by her religious upbringing and I'd like to delve into how she incorporates such themes within her writing. I'm intrigued by O'Connor's technique to depict her characters' to such an extreme that they all become unlike-able, making her stories uncomfortable to read.

    Title of article: The saving rape: Flannery O'Connor and patriarchal religion, David Havird
    This article analyzes the symbolism of several characters in the works of poet Flannery O'Connor, her treatment of patriarchal religion, as well as the portrayal of women in the context of their roles in Christianity. O'Connor is said to exploit and condemn femininity by condoning the masculinity of religious thought in her characters. Each character is eventually castrated in a symbolic way by either a man or some symbol of a masculine God. I haven't read the stories referred to in this article but it's interesting to see that not all woman writers were feminists. I'll have to read more of her work before agreeing or disagreeing.

    Upon search of The Lame Shall Enter First, the story itself popped up.

    1. Article sounds very interesting--do try and find articles that are connected to the stories we read though--just because I don't want you to get overwhelmed. You can read summaries of the articles by clicking somewhere on first part of entry! I like the piece about vulnerability, raw human emotions and unlikeability--I think there is a way in which that is connected to her vision of humanity as "fallen" in a Christian sense but you could just focus on two characters--Julian and Sheppard for example--or even two characters in one story, Julian and his mother; Sheppard and Rufus!

  10. The writer I have chosen is Gloria Anzaldua (la conciencia de la mestiza). I will focus on her movements on the feminist theory, and queer theory. I will adapt her cultural marginalization into todays world and my own. What really stood out for me in her story was "As a mestiza I have no country, my household casts me out; yet all countries are mine bc I am every women's sister or potential lover.." I am still brainstorming I have not decided my base yet. I need to do more research.

    1. I will bring you the book today--what is quite wonderful about it is that you can look at different parts of the book at your leisure and almost every page has a quotation like the one you have above--the theme of no country/not belonging and at same time belonging everywhere, everyone's sister etc is a good starting point--you could search for other ways she explores this theme!

  11. The writer I've chosen to do my research paper on is Ramona Lofton better known as Sapphire. From the two texts in our CoursePak that are based on family life, I'm interested to look into the rest of her work. Her style of writing and her poetry is deep to me and the fact that she wrote Push, which turned out to be a hit major motion picture is pretty cool too.

    The above link is an interview with Sapphire about her novel Push, and where she gets her ideas from, etc.

    1. Good topic Anais--please edit this post to create a strong claim (thesis) you are making about her work--perhaps in relation to her life experiences--how she writes about personal trauma for example--what kinds of images she uses, how she affects her readers, draws them in emotionally

  12. I am thinking about doing my research paper on Maya Angelou. I want to focus on the sense of strong confidence that she gives off in her poems. Even though I haven't done much in research I would want to find articles or interviews dealing with her success as an African American writer/poet. I definitely want to discuss her poem of "Still I Rise" and continue to do research on it.

    1. Good Stephany--please edit this post to include some primary and secondary sources and what you have learned about your topic so far--over weekend!

  13. 1.The writer I'm going to research is Flannery o'connor. The idea i'm going to talk about is the characteristics of the characters in her short stories. The majority of her stories has a character with a narrow way of perceiving the world and through that character she writes her story.



    4. Title: Flanney o'connor
    empowered woman
    By : Peter A. Smith

    This article is about the female characters in Flannery o'connor's stories and how they behave or thoughts is a result of being in a man's world.

    -Marjon Rahyab

    1. sounds like an excellent article, Marjon--you might want to check out the one I mentioned in class--Narcissism and Spirituality in O'Connors's Stories--American Journal of Psychotherapy 2003 Neil Scheinrich. Good topic.

  14. 1. I chose to write about Susan Glaspell Trifles and mainly focus on her use of triumph of women ways, also to focus on her criticism on patriarchies throughout the play. I would also compare the play Trifles with her other story A jury of her peers.



    4. Title: "Generic Translation And Thematic Shift In Susan Glaspell's "Trifles" AND "A Jury Of Her Peer"
    By: Leonard Mustazza

    This article compares the short story and the play that are both writing by Glaspell, this article also in a way criticizes Glaspell writing on both of the story and the play.

    1. good research Hanane--having the two texts--play and story--will give you rich material to compare--also see material in coursepak on Glaspell's history as journalist covering this case

  15. 1.The writer I have chosen to write about is Sapphire, or Ramona Lofton. I am choosing to focus my essay on how she uses description and imagery of her characters/setting to bring out certain emotions in the reader. Sapphire uses many of her own experiences in her poems and books dealing with child abuse, abandonment, and other issues as a way to have others (I feel mainly young African-American women/girls) relate and empathize.



    4. (This is a very good interview done back in the late nineties discussing her novel "Push" and how she incorporates many of her own childhood memories into the novel)

  16. yes! powerful idea to focus on her imagery, her themes in relation to her own experiences--you have found good material Kzinga!

  17. the writer that i have chosen to do my research paper is on Sapphire. The two text that I have read from Sapphire from the course pack are very interesting. The stories tell a search for complicated path back to one's root and background. Also her work tells a story of family, race and self transformation.

    the link below is all the text that Sapphire has written throughout the years

  18. The writer I have chosen to write about is, Julia Alvarez, the author of “All American Girl,” and “Bilingual Sestina.” I will mostly focus on the way that language affects us all differently, and the different reactions depending on our race and culture. Julia Alvarez gave us a glimpse of what language can do to a person in a brand new place. What really captured my attention was the way that she made the words in Spanish sound much better, and you knew that, even if you weren’t a Spanish speaker. Julia Alvarez has her own website ( Alvarez was born in the United States, but shortly her parents and her moved to the Dominican Republic when she was three months old, and this move happened because her parents preferred the dictatorship of Trujillo, than the government of the United States. When she was ten years old, her family and her moved back to the United States, because her father was in deep trouble with the government in the Dominican Republic. When Alvarez was in school, she knew her classmates weren’t welcoming to her because of the language gap. In her website, Julia Alvarez says that her struggle with the language, the way that she had to work twice as hard than other kids to understand the language, which made her pay close attention to them, is what made her into a writer.



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  20. I think i have decided to pick Maya Angelou. I think her confidence in her poems can be compare to today society. I want to mainly force on how confidence and how she deal with her life when she was young. Also how she stood up for herself when she was younger. She can represent the black women's today.

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